Benefits of Running a Paid Ad Campaign to drive traffic to a blog BY: Ivan B


For an early start-up business, it is considered to be a good idea to create a paid ad campaign. At least in the beginning until our SEO reaches ''acceptable'' Google ranking. To successfully lead a paid ad marketing campaign it is important to conduct market research beforehand and determine which platform is the best option for our business.

It is also of utmost importance to set specific goals for our ad campaigns, to target accurate location, right consumers(interested in our product or service), and to set the length of the campaign(not for too long periods, it can always be changed/updated).

Also, when paid promoting posts, it is important to further promote posts that already have people reacted to them, and with ads, we can increase the popularity of that particular post instead of promoting an unknown post on our blog.

Getting traffic to your blog can be a challenging job, so you need to make sure you target the right markets and personas that can be considered as a typical reader/consumer.

A blog should contain also additional information for those 'typical consumers'. So more information about the business you do or even about partners you work with. The goal is to keep readers for a longer period on your blog, and while they are there, you need to make their experience as memorable as possible, and also you want to see them coming back.

To finalise, indeed there are many benefits of a paid ad campaign Blog in our for Travel Industry for example. But the whole targeted market needs to be researched, then ad campaign needs to be structured and organised in that way to promote business, and to give that 'kick' to a start-up until business awareness is raised or until we achieve the given goal in the ad campaign.


  1. Hey Ivan, absolutely agree with you, the parameters needs to be right, ads can be faster view to get traffic but as you pointed out should be preceded with the right channel, right target audience, right length of time etc to fulfil the desired objectives. I also agree with you blogs that we are promoting should not just whet the appetite but give the reader more value, the more engage with the blog the better it for many aspects like organic ranking, the urge for wanting more and coming back, the potential for sharing that blog and increasing the probability of going viral. One dimension that I would add needs to be taken care of is budget. So often publishers get carried away which drains the budget hence impacting the RO I. Again, really enjoyed your blog. Comment By - Sultan Nazir


  2. Ivan, I like that you focus on the time frame of the advertising campaign, this is important because the duration of the paid advertising campaign works in direct progression - the longer the ad is used, the more accurate it will hit the target audience. In this case, the validity of the sample of the target audience increases in geometric progression.
    I also agree with you that setting a specific goal is an important moment, especially for a start-up business. It is very important to clearly understand and realize your tasks and needs already at the initial stages of planning. Great blog, I enjoyed reading it! Thanks Ivan!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  3. Hi Ivan, I like your opening paragraph where you inform the us that new businesses can benefit from paid ads at the beginning of its lifecycle. Knowing your target market and also having goals and a plan is essential as you say. Research and knowledge of who your companies personas that you wish to attract that you currently appeal too is really important. Informative blog and it really drives home how important knowledge of your audience your business and future goals are. Diane

  4. Hey Ivan, you are right, when a business starts a blog the SEO score of the web page is really low and getting traffic is one of the main challenges in the initial web setup. If we consider that the indexing process of Google takes from 4 days to up to 6 months, a paid campaign represents the fastest way to push the site/blog 'out there' in front of the audience that can be interested in its content. The search engine indexing process is handled by algorithm and bots so it is dependent on real-world factors such as hardware, speed and physical space for servers. - Rory Dignam

  5. great post
    great tips and some excellent takeaways and food for thought.


  6. Agreed targeting the right market is essential. Persona creation is a great way to achieve this. Great post Ivan 👏🏼


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