Importance of Social Media Marketing for Businesses in the Travel Industry Author : Rory Dignam

Social media should not be undervalued by travel-based businesses because it gives the potential customers a glimpse into the future experience, they are going to engage in.

A consistent and visual presence on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and even on new ones like TikTok, allows the businesses to connect with travelers in the initial stage of their planning journey, the dreaming phase.

The ability to check other traveler's experiences and opinions as well as pictures and video material can create a narrative to define the decision of booking a specific stay or experience. To clarify, there are three main benefits from the use of social media: 

- Build client relationship 

- Strengthen online reputation and brand awareness 

- Create SEO content 

Building a relationship with clients through pictures has a special relevance today.

A substantial number of millennial and GenZ travelers openly admit that their choice of holiday depends on how ‘Instagrammable’ the location is.

The belief that travelling to a certain destination, or participating in a particular experience, can provide tourists with the chance to share their experiences with others and be seen in a positive way is something that the travel industry needs to recognise as an opportunity and capitalise on.

This facto increases even the online reputation and brand awareness of a business as the content shared increases the overall online presence and could attract other customers by online 'word of mouth', converting clients that were not previously aware of it. Last but not least, while social media does not increase SEO ranking, it can still be used to improve SEO in an indirect way because the links shared across social platforms increase brand exposure.  

Nowadays, it is important not only to promote the business but also to improve customer care practices and the client experience, which will help enhance the brand’s reputation and bring future growth. 

Author: Rory Dignam


  1. Hey Rory liked your piece about importance of social media marketing for travel businesses. Indeed social proof and shared experiences are so vital and influence hugely more than other factors when making the purchase decision. Instagrammbale, indeed visuals and stories impact more than numbers at a very emotional level. For a business as you pointed out, it is important to build relationships with its audience, strengthen online reputation and brand awareness which has benefits on multiple levels. For example who would not accept the WOM factor, positive of course, but also learn from negative experience and make improvements. Yes, creating quality content is good and will enhance overall SEO plan, but so vital is the customer support and experience in this sector which multiplies the WOM. Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  2. Travel is all about your future and how you would like to spend it. Such a good point Rory. Connecting with your target market at the early stages of planning is all about a company having a presence on social. Its really the starting point of their customers journey before they visit your website. Between TikTok who get 2billion travel posts a year and Instagram and the picture holiday pic you are right social is where it is at! Social media marketing is being in the right place at the right time in order to capture peoples dreams of travelling and that you as a business are there to support them with quality locations, great deals and accessible holidays for all. Great post Rory tks Diane

  3. Rory, i enjoyed reading your blog, especially I liked that you mentioned the fact that Generation Z is happy to choose travel destinations based on popularity and quality content. And it is true, as I wrote in my blog that more than half of the travelers are using the Facebook Apps to search for the new destinations, which is a significant part of the population, in my opinion. Accordingly, companies should make efforts to develop business through social media, as you said in your article, through building customer relationships, online reputation, brand awareness and by creating SEO content even in an indirect way.
    Thank you! Ksenija Karpezo

  4. Well said, Rory. Social Media Marketing truly is of utmost importance for any travel industry based business. As you have pointed out that it builds client relationships, strengthens reputation and brand awareness and creates SEO content. But it does all of those and more in such a unique way that can be measured, analysed and improved over and over. And also in the near future is highly possible that with the use of some kind of augmented and/or virtual reality features on social media platforms travel industry can benefit even more. Thanks. Ivan B.


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