Having Google Analytics installed on your travel website or blog allows you to track where your organic visitors are coming from, what type of devices they are using to get to you whether it be mobile or desktop, which county, country and continent they reside it. How old they are, what platform the found you on.  It is extremely beneficial for knowing who your businesses current market is and understanding your audience. 

When running a promotion, Google Analytics, allows you to track this promotion.   Directing people to certain landing page on your site and helping to convert sales or gather customers information through your call to action on the specific page.  You can see how many times guests clicked this button or filled in the requested form. Helping your business see what calls to action work more successfully and increases unique visitors to your page. Helping you grow your travel business. 


In order to achieve the best from analytics, it is helpful for small travel businesses to create goals for their website, then track these goals via analytics and see where visitors are successful in reaching the set goals or where they leave the site and goals are not completed. If customers find it hard to complete shopping cart tasks affecting your sales funnel for example. Or if a shop can customers find you on google maps successfully.   How are the users experiences.  Google analytics also helps understanding key performance indicators (KPI) and their impact on business is very important in any business and online travel agencies are no exception.


For the tourism industry, people still have safety questions, refund questions and are continuously evaluating risk.  As people are open to booking holidays at present it would be beneficial to post an information page on travelling safely, this page would have a call to action and perhaps have a questionnaire or quantitative form for visitors to fill out.  The landing page should be promoted on relevant platforms that are age appropriate and the tourist business analytics would need to set specific for data captures for this 'information page', helping the business gather potential leads for their sales team and also gathering data to help relaunch during post pandemic times. All possible with the help of analytics.

Author: Diane Henderson


  1. Hey Diane, you expressed some really good points in this post. In a situation like the current one, where we are still facing some uncertainty but we are slowly moving form 'pandemic to endemic', travel businesses should gather as much data as possible to prepare for the upcoming changes of travel restrictions as well as the change of interest from the general public. The audience will start showing more interest online before actually travelling and it's important to keep up their interest through online promotion (and let's not forget retargeting!) so that when they are ready and the restrictions allow them to move, they will be booking directly from the official site. - Rory Dignam

  2. What a wonderful piece Diane. I am a quote person and whenever something interesting is mentioned via a quote, it grabs my attention, really liked your quote, “People are ready to make up for lost time. That’s the idea behind revenge travel”. I really liked the layout, the images, the infographic and to end with video which talks about the bigger picture, tourism within the Island of island.

    You aptly mention at the start about the importance of understanding the customer. Calls to action are so crucial other than what is the point of the whole exercise. Again, you appropriately talk about Pandemic and what business must prepare and manifest in its communication to leave no confusion. -Sultan Nazir

  3. Hi Diane, I enjoyed reading your post a lot and bright, colourful thematic photos. In your article, you revealed the main topic of travel during a pandemic regarding risks and returns. It's been a really challenging time for travel agencies, but definitely, with the easing of restrictions, people will start to travel more and catch up.
    Therefore, I liked in the post that you mentioned the importance of tracking consumer behavior to create personalized content in order to increase website traffic and conversions. I also found useful information for myself in the video attached at the end of the article.
    Ksenija Karpezo.

  4. Love the idea of showing diversity, as the foundation of travel and tourism. Representing the whole country and its differences, as shown in the video. Great work showing benefits of the Google Analitycs for small businesses as well, as they truly are of massive importance for a new start-up of any kind to engage with customers and promote their business. Businesses without an official website these days are practically non-existing and also businesses websites without carefully following their analytics just cannot reach their full potential and won't complete a business plan objectives in the right way. Great Read. Thanks. Ivan Biocic


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