Seasonality is an issue for almost every business industries and travel industry is not an exception. According to the gradation of intensity of tourist trips, four seasons of tourist activity are allocated: 

1. Peak.

2. High.

3. Low.

4. "Dead".

With competent use and analysis of data, Google Analytics can help to increase conversions during low or even "dead" seasons for travel businesses and in this article we will look at the main benefits of Google Analytics tool.

I would like to point out that this tool is completely free to use and in order to start collecting data from your website, you need to add a small piece of code to your website.

Google Analytics have 5 main reports which will help to analyse efficiency of website activity:

1. Real-Time. Here you can see how many users are on the website right now and their actions, what keyword they came from, from which device and in what location they are. This report can help to increase efficiency of website and analyse campaigns at the launch stage.

2. Audience. This section includes 15 subsections where you can find out the full portrait of the visitor, including the interests of people who make conversions on the website, as well as their behavior. With this report you would be able to run more accurate contextual and targeted advertising.

3. Acquisition. Here you will find full information about the resources and channels from which visitors came.

4. Behavior. In this report you can find all the detailed information about how users behave on website, on which pages, how much time they spend, and much more. This report will help you to analyse the content of each page of the website and correct the information in time if the percentage of denial of certain pages is high. Report can help to evaluate the quality of content.

5. Conversions. This section will help to analyse after visiting which web pages visitors are making conversions and as a result you would be able to increase conversions. 

Google Analytics is a powerful tool to use to measure and optimize performance. That's a great starting point for increasing conversions and improve marketing results.

Author: Ksenija Karpezo

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  1. When you think of travel, what is the first thing that comes to mind, that right, a passport. Hey, Ksenija thank you for your blog. The images says it all, perhaps the second thing nowadays is a Covid-Cert, anyhow the image grabbed my attention to read on. What is best about the blog is the simplicity, you have really applied the K.I.S.S formula (keep it super simple) for the audience to understand.
    I like the way you broke down the nature of travel business which resonates with the audience, like the lay out with benefits of using Google Analytics presented in a concise manner. Ksenija you have Kissed it to perfection. – Sultan Nazir

  2. Really enjoyed your opening about seasonality, it is great to know how analytics can help aid a business during low seasons and increase business during high. I really like your opening image on your blog as i find it very appropriate for what you are writing about.
    It is very informative to know that this tool is free for businesses and also that a code is required for the website to be able to work with google analytics. It is great to have your learnings and information about analytics in five main points which clearly marks out how google analytics can improve and mainly help your business learn about its potential clients and unique visitors to its website. Diane Henderson

  3. As you have said Ksenija seasonality is an issue for the travel industry the same way as it is for any other. Completely agree, and love the way you have presented the idea in your post. Google Analytics is just an amazing tool that can do so much for any business's website and overall online presence and attract new and keep existing customers while staying on top of their competitors, who maybe for some reason don't acknowledge the power and overall benefit of the analytics. They should then spare a few minutes of their time and read your post, to get familiar with the benefits. Great Read. Ivan Biocic

  4. Hey Ksenija you did a really great job in highlighting the challenges of the travel-based businesses and I would assume it's actually during the 'dead' season when the marketers and businesses need to pay more attention to the data coming from Analytics so they can plan out for the peak season. Another important aspect is the analyisis of the sales funnel and its different steps, which can be done in real time. I am finding out so many useful metrics through the study of Analytics and I cannot wait to have the chance to see how they work out in practice!
    Rory Dignam

  5. great post
    great tips and some excellent takeaways and food for thought.


  6. Really easy to read with great tips Ksenija. Super post 👏🏼


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