Google Analitics are a huge help for any type of business, with it we can determine overall interest and engagement in service, product or information we provide for the chosen market. Data Analytics has become a crucial element in today's business. It is so important for a small business, in particular, cause visitors access the business's blogs or websites from various platforms, and they interact with different links and pages while on the website. To provide the best possible user experience, small business needs to be familiar with all data Google Analytics provide. It is one of the best ways to provide insight into business's target audience. And the best thing about it, it is FREE to use.
Google Analytics can identify which source is driving traffic to the website or a blog, and the demographics of the audience. It can also derive a comprehensive analysis of website traffic rates, conversion, bounce rates, sessions and similar data. It can be helpful with Targeted Campaigns with a particular user segment for Content Marketing, Marketing Channels, Promotions, Special Offers and Conversion Optimisation. Analytics allows users to customise reports of their website including filtering unwanted insights for improved accuracy. Goal setting and monitoring of the same is another feature of the Analytics that help to set specific goals depending on the business requirement and with tool feature progress can be monitored. When it comes to small travel businesses like ours, we are using Google Analytics and all of its features to benefit and promote our company. To interact with users/readers with a full understanding of their needs and to simplify communication. With demographic info of our users, they can be targeted with specific information of their actual interest. In today's information age, every internet user has their 'virtual persona' created while browsing, purchasing, and interacting with others on the network. That 'virtual persona' records their preferences, interests and habits while online. All that data is beneficial for digital marketing. With Google Analytics, we get a portion of that data related to engagement to our site. So we get to know our users and offer them the best possible service and/or information related to travel and tourism information they are looking for. And ultimately create a relationship with the user that will last.


  1. I liked your article, the way you described in detail and interestingly the benefits of Google Analytics, also that you noting the important point that after using Analytics, businesses can interact with a potential client, fully aware of their needs, desires and subsequently build long-term relationships. I also liked the photo pinned in the article, which clearly and structuredly describes the main 13 advantages of Google Analytics.
    Also, I definitely want to note how positive and pleasing to the eye the photos were chosen and the color scheme left a pleasant feeling for me after reading the article.
    Ksenija Karpezo.

  2. Great to note that Google Analytics are first and foremost a FREE offering to businesses. Really liked your thirteen reasons to use analytics image. Found it very informative and to the point.
    Customers experience with a brand is essential to gaining loyalty, so its great to read about customer service and offering the best information relevant to the travel shopper. It is a clever point to raise that you use this free service to help promote your business across relevant platforms after capturing data that helps your sales funnel. I enjoyed your use of images in your blog, it makes me feel like sitting at an airport and enjoying some freedoms after the last two years. Dreaming of travelling to a location soon.

  3. The saying that "A picture is worth a thousand words", is so true and you have nailed that Ivan with your infographic illustrating that Benefits of using Google Analytics for a Business. Indeed, data is so important if interpreted and implemented right. With analytics businesses can learn so much about their audience and use this learning to their advantage.

    Secondly, I like the colour scheme running through the images and the blog, the subliminal message of sunshine, relaxation and fun always keeps travel as an enticing option and so much needed after what we have been all through. Thanks for reminding that, Ivan. -Sultan Nazir

  4. Nice post, I have always liked building personas to better organise my marketing efforts and I think the data coming from analytics is ideal to use for the purpose. And the best thing is that is completely free! Identifying meaningful patterns from data is the best way to make informed marketing decisions, in particular for businesses so affected by the change of seasons. An interesting aspect I'd like to add is also the possibility of getting certified in the use of Google Analytics, which I might look into to raise my work profile in front of potential employers after completing my current course.
    Rory Dignam


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