Small businesses in the travel industry can obtain several benefits from the use of Google Analytics. If a tracking ID is created according to a specific site and a tag is implemented, it is possible to access information in regard to the audience visiting the site. The first kind of information that we can take into consideration is the geo of the users coming onto the site. If the site content is advertising services or products related to travel, it is then possible to plan the marketing outreach as well as the content creation to address the different nationalities and focus on the travel intent signals coming on a seasonal basis. This allows the business to plan highly in advance and analyze the interest trends. Another parameter of high interest that it is possible to track through analytics is the origin of the visits according to the device. The ability to discern such data empowers marketers and businesses to plan device-specific outreaches and optimise specific content that is meant to reach the customer when they ‘are on the go’ or already travelling versus a different kind of content that can identify them as still in the ‘dreaming’ step of their journey planning. Combining the data related to the geographic origins and the device data, it is possible to follow the customer journey ‘from dream to destination’ and create accurate marketing personas to research and plan future strategies. Comparing the data on a weekly, monthly, and quarterly basis is an efficient method to evaluate the evolution of the current digital strategy as well as a possible metric of success if a paid advertising campaign (or more than one) has been activated. In this last instance, there is also the possibility of inserting in the creative landing page URL a UTM code that would be able to track the information mentioned above, as well as the clicks, the click-through rate.  

Author: Rory Dignam  


  1. Loved the video you made, thought it was a lovely opening to your blog. Also the image at the end is very attractive to the eye. It is great that you mention the tracking ID as this is where it all starts when setting up analytics on your website. Analytics does 'empower' businesses on improving and reaching goals. For a travel business the origin of where people are looking at your business is such a bonus. This allows you to make ads for this market whether they be in Europe, US, Australia etc. Also allows you to post ads at the right time of day based on location. So really enjoyed your points as they are very important.

  2. Thank you Rory for very insightful blog. "Dream To Destination", what an appropriate phrase to describe the journey, aren't we all dreaming and want to go to that ultimate destination, when we talk about travel.

    I liked the image, yes, we all want to be there and enticed me to click and read more. The video add the dimensions of engagement and intrigue. Your points about location, device and customer journey make sense as it helps out the business to understand, reach out and market to the audience it is looking to target. All in all a very enjoyable piece... Comment By Sultan Nazir

  3. Very interesting article and catchy video at the beginning with nice and thematic music. After watching the video, I was excited to start reading the article itself. The article, in my opinion, was as interesting and memorable as the video!
    In the article, you focused on important indicators when using Google Analytics. I agree with you about the importance of analysing the devices from which users visit the website, since we can increase the conversion of the website if correctly optimise the content for the type of device, which will help, for example, to reduce the page load time from mobile devices.
    Ksenija Karpezo

  4. Nicely explained the benefits of Google Analytics for small business owners. Love the video idea, it is simple and engaging and provides the viewers with the idea of various activities they can do on their travels. It brings that nostalgic feeling when travel was simpler (before COVID-19). Hopefully, that simplicity will be back soon. The text provides valuable info on the importance of Google Analytics and for sure it will be helpful to a reader looking for such information. Rory keep up the good work and thanks for your contribution to this blog so far.
    Ivan Biocic


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