Ask any kid nowadays, “Who discovered America? the instant reply will be Christopher Columbus. The fact is poor Columbus, when he sat out, didn’t know where he was going, when he was there, he didn’t know where he was and when he came back, he didn’t where he had been. It was all accidental. Alas, he didn’t have Google or Siri, life wouldn’t have been simpler, or would it have been?

The modern traveller is equipped with technology. At the touch of a finger, he or she can get information anywhere in the world, he has likes, dislikes, preferences for certain things and one size fit all doesn’t cut it as the power resides with the consumer. On the flipside, this is great news for a business involved in travel space. With Analytics tools such Google Analytics a business can learn much more about the audience and how is it doing. Following our Some of Benefits of Using Google Analytics for a Travel Business:


·        Report Card:  Imagine having gone through a medical examination recommended by your doctor and getting nothing back as to how you are doing. Analytics, just do that, it shows the business where it is doing good and where it is not doing good. It shows the numbers, behaviours, and various insights, more like pulse of the business.

·        Target Market: Here is the number rule in Business, know your customer. Analytics shows valuable data in terms of demographics, behaviour, engagement etc thus helps a business understand its audience.

·        Sales Process: Analytics shows traffic sources, channels, which pages are doing well, and which aren’t. All this information is useful in improving the sales process.

·        Marketing: All this valuable data helps business with ideas, strategy which feeds into marketing for example creating content or other marketing effort to reach and engage the target audience.


Coming back to Columbus, we only want good accidents…


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Author: Sultan Nazir


P.S Do let us know any good accidents that happened with you…We love your feedback


  1. Really enjoyed reading your blog and your opening paragraph and quotes. I found the bullet points really helpful when viewing and found the initial image very attractive to the eye. Travellers nowadays really do have tech at their fingers tips and it is so important that travel businesses know their customers. I think its great you put this in bold 'know your customer' as really that is vital to a business growing and learning and also setting goals.
    From history they do say an Irish Monk actually found America 900 years before Columbas, but history is open to interpretation unlike analytics which is all based on numbers and data. Diane Henderson

  2. This is very useful information for direct marketers and consultants alike. Using the report card, the percentages of users coming from the target markets and the sales data it is possible to create a holistic business plan that encompasses online and offline efforts in a travel-based business. In addition to this, the data can also be used to create charts and presentation slides for business meetings so the insights and the potential of the business itself can be conveyed in a visual format, which is more accessible. I have personally used similar data even for college assignments in relation to festival attendance and I would definitely recommend it. - Rory Dignam

  3. Sultan It was absolutely enjoyable for me to read your article, because in my opinion, it is written easily, interestingly and accessible, due to the examples you provided. The phrase about Columbus that opens the article was catchy and straight to the point. A really important point in your article, which we no longer think about, is that in the modern world there are many technologies that can help a businesses to build high-quality marketing strategies and competently interact with a potential client. Google Analytics is one of this tools and is available to all users for free.
    Ksenija Karpezo

  4. Well said Sultan. Love the intro to the post you wrote. Any subject or an article can, and it should be simplified this way, for an average reader. Cause everyone likes a bit of storytelling that can relate to the main topic, which is many times less fun or more formal subject. So an introduction like this is gonna more engaging with readers. You also showcased the importance of Google Analytics for small travel businesses, which puts knowledge about potential and existing readers and consumers in the first place, where they should be. Ivan Biocic


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