"I keep 6 honest men serving

They have taught me all I know

Their  names are what and why and when

And how and where and who"

These are the words of the creator of the famous Jungle book, Rudyard Kipling. You will be wondering what Rudyard Kipling has to with reputation management and big data and I will say everything. Today, I am going to use two of these 6 honest serving men, why and how to showcase importance of big data analytics for businesses in the travel space. For more applications of big data analytics for travel businesses visit our blog at Deep Digital Lifestyle

The WHY…In the online space, margin of error is certainly less, our reputation precedes us. Just like individuals’ businesses leave a Digital Foot Print. Words like trust, integrity, reputation are not mere cliché but essential. Actions, surely speak louder than words. Emerson puts it right, when he said,


The bottom-line customer needs to be treated fairly because that has implication not only as far his life cycle as a customer but far beyond.

The HOW…Modern technology and tools allow a business to gather data from varied sources. Big Data Analytics give us insights from Internal Customer Interactions to customers leaving reviews on Social Media, Dedicated Review Sites, Search Engines etc all this is a part of customer experience which can be so valuable for businesses to strategize, manage and rectify and enhance reputation of their brands.

The WHY & HOW In Action…Imagine you are planning to go to your dream holiday or a place you haven’t been before, what is the first thing you will do. You will go online and find out experience of others and read their reviews. Every holiday I have been Trip Advisor has been my friend and I am not alone customers are increasing checking reviews for making a decision or validation.

In a Nutshell…though intangible reputation is becoming an asset and needs to be treated accordingly.

Coming back to Rudyard Kipling and his 6 honest men, we can use them to learn anything…

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Author: Sultan Nazir


P.S Have you used any of the 6 honest men lately, let us know…We love your feedback


  1. I thoroughly enjoy your blog opening paragraph and what interesting information you will have for us this week. I really enjoyed your quote. So clever.

    It is so true that TripAdvisor is nearly the google of travel search engines. It is where i go also to research holidays and reviews on destinations. I have found that when i looked up ratings of TripAdvisor for Dublin, that i don't necessarily agree with TripAdvisor ratings or feedback on what is good and what isn't. I suppose its all down to first impressions.

    Great to read about a businesses digital foot print and how people can gather an impression of us, which may or may not be true but that this is manageable through tools online.


    I found you it very informative going into WHO WHAT WHY WHEN WHERE HOW, it really breaks down how big data helps and where to get the information whether it be social media, websites etc.

  2. Sultan, I have to repeat, I just love your style of writing. Even though its topics can be text-heavy you find a way to tell those same stories in an interesting engaging way. Along with relevant quotes and explanations. I also agree with you that digital Footprint every online user leaves behind is crutial information businesses can benefit from. And as I have said in my post of the same topic as this, it is a WIN WIN sitaution for both businesses and users, as businesses have thier target markets, and are marketed with product or service of their interest. Thank you. Ivan B.

  3. Hey Sultan, thanks for using your amazing storytelling skills to create this post. Platforms like Tripadvisor are the best way to check the reputation of a hotel as well as the various online travel agencies (OTAs) such as Platforms like these, as well as search engines, social media and other sites, are the effective sources of Big Data for the travel industry and their interaction with users that are potential customers can define the targeting of an advert served through programmatic technology. It's interesting how you divided the information into the categories WHO, WHAT, WHY, WHEN, WHERE, HOW: this approach made it more digestible and sticks to the reader's mind. Rory

  4. Hi Sultan, i loved reading your blog as you are writing it in incredibly interesting format making heavy information simple and accessible for everyone to understand. In your blog you brought up a really important topic, in my opinion, for travel industry about reputation management and how exactly Big Data analytics can help businesses to improve reputation of their brands. I would agree that nowadays we all are searching for a reviews about some tours, hotels, etc, and sharing our thoughts about some particular experience. I am also looking for a people feedback on TripAdvisor before getting some tour and reviews will definitely influence my decision. Thank you! Ksenija Karpezo


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