In this article, we will look at the importance of Big Data Analytics in strategic marketing for small travel businesses.

To begin with, I will briefly describe what Big Data is. Big Data is different types of large amounts of information / data, which arrive at an ever-increasing rate and the volume of which is constantly growing. Big Data also includes tools, methods and systems for processing and analysing of such data. 

Thanks to the analysis of Big Data, you can develop a competent marketing strategy to attract new potential customers, as well as build a strategy for working with existing customers, improve company loyalty, brand awareness and website conversion rate. You can use Big Data to develop any marketing strategy depending on your business goals.

Let's say that you set a goal to increase the percentage of conversions on the website during the low season for tourism.

By analyzing data such as the behavior of people who already made conversions on your website, their interests, keywords, what devices they use, their location, what pages they view and how long they stay on certain pages, you can create a marketing strategy aimed at returning customer through unique and personalized content via social media advertising, at the time most relevant to them. Big data analysis will also allow you to develop a marketing strategy, build specific plans or interesting proposals aimed at attracting a new target audience. This will create a responsive attitude towards your company on the part of the potential client, as you will be able to highlight all the preferences.

Big data analysis is successfully used to determine the target audience, demand and consumer activity. This allows you to create advertising only for those potential customers who are interested in a particular service or product. It also allows you to improve the content on the website, the quality of services provided, identify the main trends that exist, offer up-to-date information and products.

Author: Ksenija Karpezo

Author: Ksenija Karpezo


  1. Ksenija I liked your blog as it breaks down and simplifies what Big Data actually is. It is hard to rectify something that has happened in the past, it is like a rear view mirror, we can only learn from the past, but if data is available that shows us trends and helps predict what is going to happen in future then if is half the battle.

    Secondly, being able to understand the target audience and engage with them is so important and Big Data enables that, thus has the potential to play big role in strategy formulation and its implementation. Comments by Sultan Nazir

  2. It was a very interesting piece on how big data helps marketers gather data to help build marketing campaigns. Listing out the tools that are avaliable to marketers to help convert sales for clients is insightful. Creating a picture on how data from websites once google analytics loaded and also social media analytics on Facebook, is fascinating.

    I enjoyed the images and liked that they were all consisting of grey backgrounds. I also enjoyed the layout.

    Its great to read that gathering data helps you keep your content up to date through real time information and helps tailor information for your customer. Which as you say helps convert conversions on peoples websites during low seasons.

    It was great that you expanded on what big data is, it is great to know what it is and how you go on from there into explaining how marketers can use this information to the benefit of their clients in 360 campaigns.


  3. Ksenija, great read as always. really liked how you have showcased the importance of Big Data in Strategic Marketing for small travel businesses like ours. Simple, straightforward with relevant pictures included with it. Hope we, as a company, can benefit even more from following these principles according to our business plan. To quote your text:

    Big data analysis is successfully used to determine the target audience, demand and consumer activity. This allows you to create advertising only for those potential customers who are interested in a particular service or product. It also allows you to improve the content on the website, the quality of services provided, identify the main trends that exist, offer up-to-date information and products.

    Well said. These few sentences explained the core of the topic.
    Thanks for it.
    Ivan B.

  4. Hey Ksenija, great summary and analysis of how big data impacts the marketing strategy of the businesses using it and how it can help to create a more holistic approach. As said in my post as well, it's all about finding the right customer, at the right time showing them the right kind of ad that can interest them the most! Once this is achieved, it is also possible to see the results (as you mentioned) as this will definitely bring more conversion activity (or any other set goal activity). And let's not forget the analysis of the data of the converting customers so the ad target audience can be optimised further. Rory


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