Importance of Social Media Marketing for Small Business in Travel Ivan Biocic


When running Social Media Business accounts is different to private accounts we all have on the internet, cause basically, you become a marketer of your product or service. Business accounts are different as you need to follow various analytics to upgrade and promote an existing business, optimise and calibrate social media, along business growth techniques. So you can deliver your leads on daily basis.

Many nowadays customers would trust more social media marketing (social media posts) and influencer marketing (brand ambassadors or Instagram/Youtube/TikTok influencers) than maybe more traditional advertising methods like GoogleAds. Social Media Marketing and Influencer marketing are more effective at capturing consumers' attention, due also to possible Influencer's celebrity status or such. Many influencer celebrities are overly idolised are people seem to have a 'blind trust' in them, so they are more prone to purchase the product they promote and advertise.

While doing social media marketing it is important to create memorable posts and engage with consumers. It is a good idea to set up a blog to have up to date content that can be used as content for social media posts. While posting and communicating with consumers over social media you should be presenting business and promoting brand awareness in a unique way to create certain personality company's online presence will be known. This can also trigger word of mouth marketing and ultimately lead to greater revenue.

To have paid ads as well in the beginning is a big boost as organic growth can take a lot of time. And if there is a great business plan a quality product/service social media can be of huge importance. Without an online presence (website and social media) small travel business startups would close their doors soon after opening. But with these powerful tools, it can do literally wonders.


  1. Hey Ivan, you are right, to start a social media following and stimultate engagement is definitely useful to organise some paid campaigns and a mainteinance strategy needs to be implemented even when the social profile of a business is already established. I would be wary of the buzz about influencers... I agree with you that the right influencer can be a wonderful way to connect with an audience but at the same time it si difficult to calculate the real return of investment from an influencer social media campaign, in particular when services are involved. In addition to this, it seems that Gen Z is pogressively becoming disillusioned about influencers and would not trust their opinion when buying a product. I would suggest you to check out this article about the topic, which I found really interesting:

    Rory Dignam

  2. Hey Ivan, really liked your blog on the importance of social media marketing for travel businesses. Like most sophisticated tools and platforms social media engine gives the business to really look inside the bonnet to see what is really happening, the analytics, which are so important for business to see what it is doing good and what not so good and plan accordingly. You pointed out how important trust is and both social media and influence marketing can powerful in this regard, of course within particular sector thing can change and business need to be aware and adjust. Your point about organic search and paid advertising is valid that it takes time and with proper engaging and well thought social media, this curve can be shortened to achieve the desired objectives.

  3. Such a great point that people trust posts on social media rather then traditional media. There does appear to be trust in well known celebs or influeners promoting on platforms rather then just in general ads. As you say content is important and making brand awareness to your target audience is helped via social media marketing. Just look at the volume of followers on Cassidy Travels Page. They appear to have the consumers trust and are leaders in the field of travel social media marketing. Once again paid ads do tend to help start your online profile as you see across Instagram sponsored posts once relevant to your search history. So Ads help and short terms are cheaper then hiring an instagrammer to post a story and feed story. Great blog enjoyed reading your points. tks Diane

  4. Hi Ivan, it's interesting and informative blog. You perfectly noted in the article about the importance of influencer marketing, because it is true that by attracting influencers or collaborating with them, businesses can find their target audience, increase quickly enough the growth of potential customers, as well as brand awareness.
    I also agree with you about the importance of paid advertising, especially at the early stages of business development, since in this way you can quickly attract interactions on social media accounts and the website, which will help to increase the level of trust from the potential audience, the main thing is to have a clearly structured marketing strategy.
    Thank you! Ksenija Karpezo


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