The Benefits of Running A Paid Ad Campaign to Drive Traffic to a Travel Blog or Website : Author Rory Dignam


A nice site and a great content strategy are not enough to drive traffic to a travel-based business web page and paid advertising represents the best way to attract the attention of a qualified audience, in particular during low-season.

The analysis of the organic traffic on a webpage through the use of Analytics can help to identify a similar target audience for paid campaigns in the effort of bringing more visitors to the site. When a business is running paid advertising campaigns, they are able to reach a highly selected audience so they are able to adapt its message accordingly.
Every online advertising platform showcases a various set of data so the advertiser are always able to check the campaign performance through the monitoring of parameters such as: ROI (return of investment), CTR (click-through rate, CPA (cost per action), campaign spending, impression numbers, etc. The ad creatives can be organised in a short time using freely available tools. Overall, online paid advertising can be quite affordable but it is important to establish a defined budget and schedule for the campaigns as well as a realistic goals using digital marketing calculators.

It is also of major importance to learn form the campaign result and optimise the performance across multiple, but select channels. Paying attention to details such as the age of the public and the interests they display, it is possible to identify internet consumer habits and choose the channels that can be relevant to the selected audience. Last but not least, once the right audience has been engaged through the right channels using a paid campaign, there is also the need to keep the engagement until they conclude the requested action and this often requires the use of retargeting campaigns showing different ads to continuously engage the prospects. In particular in the infancy of a business, when the webpage is not ranking on the first page of search results, paid advertising enables the business to take off bringing high-quality traffic to its website.

Author : Rory Dignam


  1. Informative and interesting blog! I like that you emphasized that nice looking website is not everything for the success of the company. I think that such mistakes can be faced by start-up companies and it is important that they know that success depends on the competent advertising campaign strategy. I also liked that you indicated really important metrics for analyzing the effectiveness of paid advertising campaigns such as ROI, CTR, CPA, campaign spending, impression numbers.
    I completely agree with you that a qualitative analysis of advertising campaigns will help businesses to reach an even better and more targeted audience in the future, same as creating personalized ads and providing a potential client with what they are really interested in. Thanks Rory!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  2. Hey Rory, again enjoyed your blog on benefits of running a paid ad campaign to drive traffic to a blog. Just like a chef shows that to prepare a perfect dish you need the right ingredients and right recipe, your blog had everything. Indeed a pretty looking site and good content are not enough we certainly need other combinations to open the vault. As you rightly mentioned starting point being paying close attention to the keywords or words used in the ad to get the right audience. Then looking at the key metrices like CTR, CPC, CPA, ROI etc and measuring the performance in the light of goals and budget. Learning and improving after evaluating the results and yes that call to the action is VITAL. Well done....Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  3. Hi Rory, firstly i like the colour of your font on your blog and also the image, i think you made yourself which is refreshing to see. I like your opening paragraph where you acknowledge that the travel industry has seasons and paid ads can help any lull in your business off peak seasons. Paid ads can help these times and also using bidding on seasonal words and using keywords in relation to seasonal messaging can also help when using paid ads to target potential travel customers. Depending on your audience you target as you say you can select appropriate messaging which is very helpful and also that it is an affordable way to market your travel business. At the start of building your brand a company you refer to how paid ads can kick start traffic to your website or landing page. This is important to know that organic alone at the start is not as successful as paid in a businesses infancy as you say. Great blog ,Diane.

  4. Well Said Rory. Another quality read. With the initial use of the analytics (before starting a paid ad campaign) we can determine the traffic our website or a blog is currently getting, and we can then focus on the areas that are lacking and need additional improvement. Then with carefully chosen targets and goals for our paid ad campaign, we can achieve that improvement and benefit our business with traffic driving to our blog/website. Also, Rory, as you have mentioned, the focus is on the small details. It is very important to conduct market research together with analysis over digital marketing calculators, to avoid any mistakes (read: time-wasting) that can make our business fall behind competitors as time is of the essence in today's digital world. Thanks. Ivan B.

  5. great post
    great tips and some excellent takeaways and food for thought.



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