The benefits of running a 'Paid Ad Campaign' to drive traffic to your travel blog by Diane Henderson

What are paid ads?

Paid ads is a marketing method where a company pays a platform or publisher, for example LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Ads, Facebook Ads, YouTube Ads, each time someone clicks or views their ads in a search results. These ads can be found on a website, social media, search engines or multiple digital platforms.

Why use them?

As the internet accounts for over 74% of both leisure and travel planning, according to a Google study by Ipsos MediaCT.  With 57% of leisure travellers and 64% of business travellers claiming that they always start their travel booking with search, having a robust paid search strategy is critical. 

Paid ads reach people that you organically couldn't reach faster and is a powerful way to achieve brands awareness and bring your customers down the sales funnel to your travel business.

Benefits to Paid Ads

1. Organic reach is currently down and paid ads is way forward on social media platforms

2. Ads are affordable and measurable - Ads can be created in mere minutes and there are many tools that help you to create the necessary images at very little or no cost at all. 

See below a video to how Google Responsive Display Ads change to fit any avaliable ad space on the good display network.  Which google then applies machine learning to serve only the ads that perform best for you,

3. Paid ad targeting can be very specific - and allows you to reach relevant visitors who are interested in your brand, fit your demographics of your sales persona and reside in the exact geographic location you want to target.

4. Test and gain valuable audience insight - across all the paid advertising platforms you can set up multiple version s of an advertisement and optimise based on audience interaction.  The data collected will help you refine your messaging and help you build a greater understanding of your travel audience and their travel interests.

5. Broadcast your message across multiple but select channels. There are multiple channels to broadcast your travel brand and unique content. You can make use of display banners on the Google Display Network of simply have text ads (search ads) appear above people's searches on Google.

All social media platforms have paid advertising channels avaliable which include Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, You Tube and Tiktok.  There are so many options for you to choose from and a variety of different platforms to suit your paid advertising requirements.

For more from Neil Patel why not follow his blog - click link below



  1. Hey Diane really enjoyed your blog on running a paid ad campaign to drive traffic to a travel blog. It had everything starting from the title images, which says it all. I specially liked the structure of the blog, you broke it down in a very simple why, of what paid advertising is and why use this strategy so that so very non technical person can understand. Yes, there are numerous benefits of paid advertising as a strategy if done right as you pointed out that right audience, using it as a testing ground and capability of multiple broadcast all are valuable. The key is putting more emphasis on the channel or channels that produce most results. Your use of video to elaborate your point is perfect, let professional do the work. Well done, great work. Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  2. That's a great blog and you mentioned a lot of useful information in it. Thank you for providing statistics, which immediately makes it clear how important the Internet and search engines are for business development, especially important for the travel industry.
    I also liked that you emphasized that you can reach your target audience faster with paid advertising than with organic reach. And I completely agree with you on this, because with the help of paid advertising you can control the number of interactions or targeted actions with a website, blog or social media pages, since when setting up a certain budget and audience targeting, platforms will usually show approximate reach and results that you can achieve through a certain advertising campaign. Thanks Diane!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  3. Hey Diane, I really enjoyed the post and I have found the videos you linked very useful for my own research. I think Neil Patel seems to be really knowledgeable on the subject and I am currently reviewing some other videos from his YouTube channel to be able to improve my digital marketing skills. I knew some of the aspects mentioned in his video like the seasonal opportunity push that can be used to market goods and services and the budget spreading according to the sales momentum. I plan to use some of them in my campaign testing so I can explore them even further. - Rory Dignam

  4. Hey Diane. Very well explained benefits of the paid ad campaign that small travel businesses like ours can follow. When starting a paid ad campaign we firstly need to research our target market as part of our starting marketing plan, then set wanted targets and goals when actually conducting a campaign. Using various Digital Marketing tools including Google Analytics we can set accurate and specific goals we aim for. You have included a great explanatory video about Google Responsive Display Ads. And finally the video by Neil Patel, who is well known Digital Marketing expert, was really interesting, as I wasn't familiar with some of the 'secrets' he has pointed out in the video. Great Stuff Diane. Ivan B.


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