In my work as a marketer, on my proposal to raise budget in a paid advertising campaign, I often hear doubts in the voices of my clients: What will it give me? Is it really that effective? And I have a great news for you - my answer is always YES, it works. I will explain why and what exactly gives me reasons to speak so confidently. 

Paid advertising will help the businesses to develop rapidly and find the most target audience for even small investments, it also helps to increase the percentage of conversions on the website or blog, audience loyalty, brand awareness and trust to the company.

Based on the statistics of the best search engine for 2022, Google took a first place with incredible 91,42% market share compared to 3,14% of second in place Bing. Google as a search engine offers paid advertisement services that appear on the SERPs (search result pages), also on other websites via their AdSense program, YouTube and the Display Network. Google Ads operates on PPC (pay-per-click) model.

So let's take a look at some of the main benefits of running a paid advertising campaign on the Google search engine:

Targeting. Thanks to targeting, you have the opportunity to show ads to an audience that will be interested in your product, this will increase customer loyalty to your company. To find the target audience, you can choose parameters such as keywords, location, age, gender, language, particular day or even time of the day to launch the campaign, impressions frequency, as well as the devices your potential client uses.

⃕ Tracking results. You will be able to see all user actions on ads, which ads are most relevant and interesting to the audience, and you will see the average price for the completed target action (clicks, conversions, etc). Opportunity to check Quality Score, which is an estimate of the quality of your ads, keywords and landing pages. Also to check the Ad Rank of your ads to understand which positions you are taking in the auction.

⃕ Cost control. There is no minimum amount for a paid campaign in Google Ads, you can set a budget for a day, a month or to specific ad.

⃕ Incredible reach. As of early 2022, based on statistics, more than 5.4 billion Google searches occur every day. 2.6 billion active users on YouTube. Imagine what opportunities are opening up for you to reach your specific target audience.

⃕ Analyze the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. Here are some of basic metrics to analyze the performance and profitability of ad campaigns: Click Through Rate (CTR), Conversion Rate, Cost Per Click (CPC) and Cost Per Acquisition (CPA).

To drive traffic to a website or blog through paid advertising can be launched not only in search engines, but also on various social media platforms, for example: Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, LinkedIn, etc. All platforms have their own advantages and possibilities, so it is important to have a clear marketing strategy and understand who your client is in order to make the most of paid ad campaign opportunities and take your business to the new level.

Author: Ksenija Karpezo

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  1. Hey Ksenija, thank you for your blog, enjoyed reading it. It is refreshing to hear from someone who does paid advertising for a living. As they call it, straight from the horses mouth. I liked your title image which encapsulates the whole blog in one image. The stats you mentioned are very interesting and with modern technology and tools that fact that you can measure, review and change things means nothing can be just left to mere guesses if something is going to work or not. Clearly define your target audience with segmentation, tracking results, the ability to reach more people who would be interested to hear from you and importantly analysing the data is surely a big advantage. The case you present in favour of paid advertising is very convincing and publisher should think of the strategy very seriously as one of the keys to reach and engage their audience. Great work... Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  2. Lovely Blog Ksenija, its great the volume of experience you have in this. As it reinforces that the content is from an experienced authority of Paid Ads. Google does seem to rule the web world in terms of search and percentage of the market with you confirming this with your data. I liked how you broke the benefits down into key points also which is always helpful for facts. I found it informative for readers that you went into social ads also and that it is essential to know your customers before starting your paid ad campaign. Really enjoyed thanks Diane

  3. Hey Ksenija, this is a really nice and concise blog post and I can see your personal touch. I'd like to add some further info about Google's position as one of the best search engines available nowadays. First of all, it is important to consider that Google was one of the first companies sin the search engine game so it has created a solid customer base throughout the years. Its investment in innovation made possible to develop a state-of-the-art algorithm that continues to improve by the year. Secondly, it has a sleek design and a suite of products that made it really convenient for a wide set of user and marketers s and last but not least, has a depth of results not comparable to its competitors. Overall, I don't see its market advantage decreasing in the future and might have to be further regulated to avoid a monopoly. - Rory Dignam

  4. Hi Ksenija, lovely post, liked how you have pointed out the benefits of the paid ad campaign which will drive traffic to the blog. Also, you have included statistical data to prove the information about it. And as you have said such a campaign can be lead not only in search engines but also on social media channels. For our type of business which is a small travel company, we can benefit the most by using Facebook and Instagram to promote ourselves and raise brand awareness while conducting a paid ad campaign. It is crucial to set the right targets and goals as you have said in the post above, to get the most out of the campaign, and to justify the final cost of it. The analysis will help us during the campaign to determine are we on the right path to the successful ad campaign. Thanks. Ivan B.


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