WHAT IF....Super Heros were real and you had a chance to meet them in person. Imagine, bumping into your favourite super hero in the street, shaking hands and rubbing shoulders with them. Travel to unknown and exotic places you ever dreamt off what be of course no problem. Alas, the truth is they are not real, the magic they grace us with is only limited to silver screens. I always have been fascinated why super heros have a special place in your heart that mere mention of them brings smiles on our faces and propels us into the land of imagination. Well, the answer is first of all, the believe in a cause which larger than life, but secondly they have some power, a tool which helps overcome all the challenges and defeat the villain.

In a nutshell... that tool is important. When we talk about marketing and promoting a business and specially a travel business, there are many tools. One tool that stands shoulder above the rest is SEO i.e. Search Engine Optimization or in less technical jargon, "FINDABILITY" in this ginormous space called the Internet.

Here are three main Benefits of SEO For A Travel Business:

1. Visitability:
Visitablity is important for most business, but specially true for business in the travel sector. A properly optimized site and right key words in terms of content on the website and on other channels open the opportunity to be visible to more people and cast a wider net. This in turns build trust, credibility and brand awareness for the business.

2. Less Cost:
Again when it comes to promoting and marketing a business there a few options, among them social media, paid advertising and seo to name a few with each of them having pros and cons. Advertising is effectively in driving traffic but could become very expensive. Social Media again could be valuable source of traffic but is more platform oriented where the business have not huge amount of control. SEO, however could be a great ROI in the longer run though it takes time, but more importantly business has more control over its SEO efforts.

3. Competitive Advantage: 
With right keywords to target its audience business has a huge advantage of doing SEO. In the Property business, three most important words are


Guess, what are the 3 most important words are when you search something online:


If you guessed it right, I would say you have super powers as well. According to a study by Backlinko
of 5 million users, searching on google, found out that first result get over 31% of clicks:

It decrease down with results 7-10 getting similar clicks, the second page only gets less than 1%. I don't know about you but I rarely go to second page, thus first page is the prime real estate and seo will help business each that giving it a massive competitive advantage.

In summary... SEO could be a very beneficial tool for businesses in the travel sector helping them with Findability and building Awareness, Trust & Credibility which is the real currency in the online world.

Author: Sultan Nazir

For Insights and Interesting views visit out blog at Deepdigitallifestyle


  1. Hi Sultan, your blogs are always very interesting to read in anticipation of the continuation. The way you start each of your articles by hooking readers with an interesting story, allows me to completely immerse myself in reading the blog. I also like that you listed 3 main and important benefits of SEO for a travel business, which give a clear idea of ​​the importance of SEO for growing a business in the travel industry. The statistics of attendance of the first results, which you indicated in the article, and a visual graph of it I found useful for myself as well. You did a great job writing the article. Looking forward to your next blog posts. Thank you!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  2. Hey Sultan, to put it in simple words... "from great power comes great responsability" and this can be applied to SEO and superheroes alike ;) Sometimes seems to be an impossible task to optimise the SEO and the site visibility for free or for a small cost while maintaining a competitve advantage but I think this is still possible and I am currently compiling a document with all the free sources and tools I can find. In today's world it is definitely of major importance to maintain a good brand awareness for travel businesses and SEO still represents a cheap way to do it through kayword manipulation without any paid advertising.
    Rory Dignam

  3. Really enjoy reading your blogs and how your opening paints a picture of businesses having super powers (tools) to assist them fighting getting seen in the online universe. Where humans are giving powers to achieve the ultimate goal page number 1. It is true that seldom you are likely click to page two. Which is bizarre because if you read any story its normally only when you get to the end do you have the FULL picture. I enjoyed your visuals, your bullets and videos and especially your opening paragraph which I find distinguishes your blog from others and is very clever and intriguing.

    Any tool that is free to purchase and gives visibility in the noisy world of the internet is something that everyone should be using.

    Thanks for a great read Diane

  4. Sultan, this is another great, interesting, engaging and informative read. You have simplified, the utmost importance of Search Engine Optimisation. So everyone can understand. With this post, you have upgraded even the SEO of this blog and promote our business. It is also very important, as you have highlighted, the potential cost of SEM, which can easily go over any budget, especially it is extremely costly for small travel business start ups like ours. So to have an expert in SEO as a part of company if really benefitial, aldough it takes time, it is cost effective. Thanks for your post. Ivan B.


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