Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a set of external and internal optimisation tasks, triggering a sites appearance on the first page of SERP (Search engine reputation management) for targeted queries.

 Promotion of products in the travel industry directly depends on the effectiveness of the advertising resources used. One of the most effective resources for increasing the competitiveness of the site and its popularity among users is SEO. Below I will list some of the most important methods for promoting a site within the travel industry in Google search and features of key promotion processes:

✓ Make sure that the website is adapted to a specific GEO. Also, if it is a multilinguistic site, then it is necessary to show Google each language version of the site as a separate GEO, and it must correspond to its region for Google in order to show the version of the site in the client's language.

✓ Check website loading speed. If the speed is low, you need to optimize the size of media files and not load the main page of the site with a lot of photos and videos.

✓ The presence of headings in the layout of the site must be used in the content of the page.

✓ Content optimization is an important part of filling resource pages. 

Conduct comprehensive analysis of all competitors that are represented in the regional market you are interested in. The goal is to find out what you lack, thereby you can take a place in the market, bypassing competitors. 

Work out the semantic core, analyze the keywords that users are looking for information on and use them.

✓ Make sure that the mobile adaptation of the website is correct. This will help you not to lose potential customers and improve positions in search results from mobile devices.

✓ Link profile optimization. Links are an important ranking factor in search results. There are anchor and non-anchor links. Anchor is the text that the user sees. Having developed a competently link strategy and their promotion, you can get an excellent increase in traffic and also strengthen its positions in search engines.

✓ Grow your company on social media. Share publications with useful information, a popular service that you offer, and attach a link to the site. On the website, indicate links to social media. All this will help the site to rise in the search results by increasing the trust and loyalty of users.

Even in difficult times for the travel industry, such as a pandemic, it is necessary to continue SEO work in order not to loose positions in search resources due to downtime and be able to stay ahead of competitors.

Author: Ksenija Karpezo

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  1. Hey Ksenija, really liked your blog regarding importance of SEO for travel based businesses. First of all loved your title image which depicts what you are going to talk about and who is your audience. Loved the subliminal message with sand in the back ground reminding us the past and better days ahead. The saying that keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer really applies here when we dig deep and do competitor analysis of what competition is doing well which we can incorporate and make it better. The tips are great and easy to understand like things about the local audience, language preferences, site speed, automatic resizing, links both internal and external (you gave one) and social media promotion and display. All in all, great one Ksenija, keep it up.

    1. Hey Ksenija, thanks for writing this post. I have noticed that you mostly mentioned the Google network but let's not forget that the same advice could be used for other search engines such as Bing. In particular, I'd like to recommend the Bing Webmaster Tools that can help you analyze your website and search analytics on this booking engine. Google serves about 81% of the global search engine market but Bing serves more than 5 billion searches per month, and is used by more than 59 million people. It also seems that Bing users have a lower bounce rate and they represent a higher quality of visitors that click more affiliate links as well so a travel business cannot undervalue the potential of the SEO on Bing too.
      Rory Dignan

  2. Hi Ksenija, Really enjoyed reading your blog as always your are extremely informative. Great points about geo and making sure your site is being viewed in the origin countries language. It is so important to have all images resized so not slowing down the load speed of a persons experience. Clear headings is such a great piece of info also, it really is the finer details that are crucial. Always the small things in life.

    Knowing your competition is crucial in order to be able to understand your customers and also what others are doing in the market place and how people/consumers are engaging with them.

    I really enjoy your blog and found it full of important information.

  3. Hi Ksenija, you have mentioned a set of great tips for website owners that they can use to upgrade their SEO, which will ultimately result in better website ranking. Especially in our, travel industry, it is utmost essential to stand out of a big number of competitors who are offering simial or even the same services and information as we do. Also, a big focus should be on the company's social media accounts, where posting info about services, can engage with customers and lead traffic directly to the website. Great Read, keep it going. Ivan B.


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