The Importance Of SEO in travel industry. IVAN B.


SEO can be a great tool to help small businesses in the tourism and travel industry. They can use it to stand out from their competitors and even position themselves as industry leaders over time. But SEO takes a lot of time, content, and dedication. 

SEO provides an opportunity for businesses to get more traffic that can convert ultimately into more for their business. SEO is the process of assisting a website in its ranking through organic results. Search engine optimization must be an integral part of any small travel business's marketing strategy if, they want to successfully compete in their industry.

SEO strategy allows businesses to be easily found on the web through the use of a few well-placed keywords that are relevant to their business and services. Dedicating their SEO strategy to both quantity and quality will help to reduce your dependence on online advertisements. And as I have mentioned earlier SEO required lots of time and work, partly because of many updates and changes in algorithms and partly because of strong competition and their content already in use on websites, keywords, domains etc.

Some of the main factors website of the small business travel company can benefit by focusing on the word count (with engaging and descriptive posts and texts), number of images, and video on the website (lots of unique, good quality images and video), maybe even include podcast part or such thing related to the industry, and internal links(have to be organised to keep the visitors coming back).

Besides the website part, SEO can be upgraded even with registration on GoogleMyBusiness where businesses advertise basic company info like address, phone number, location(if brick and mortar), but the main part of it 'puts the company on the map' of the virtual world, alongside its website. Social Media as well, with traffic, leads to the main website, and overall promotion of business and creating quality up to date content.


  1. Hey Ivan, really liked your blog on the importance of SEO for travel based businesses. First of all the images says it all, the reader doesn't have to guess what you are talking about. Truly, understand your logic of businesses having an SEO strategy if they want to survive and thrive in the travel space as they have more control over their SEO efforts. Of course, it takes time, patients and dedication as you mentioned as all good things do but it better approach in the long run. You made simple by mentioning something that needs to be done, like unique and fresh content (text, images, videos, podcasts etc) as well as link building and social media promotion to drive traffic, all great points. Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  2. Hi Ivan, that's a great article! In my opinion that perfectly describes the importance of SEO and its benefits. The phrase that companies can further aim to position themselves as industry leaders through the use of SEO is very reassuring and motivating to achieve these goals. Indeed, with quality work, competent strategies and work on content, you can get ahead of competitors and take high positions in the Google search, thereby receiving a huge increase in traffic and, as a result, increase conversion. I also agree about the importance of using the right keywords, this will definitely help to attract a high-quality target audience and rise positions. Your article was useful to me, thank you!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  3. Hey Ivan, you went into great detail in describing the different ways that a travel business can benefit from the correct use of SEO! I'd also like to add that there are some free tools that could be used for keyword research and this could be really useful in a moment like the current one where we have different trends due to the progressive easing of the Covid restrictions and the most impressive I found is Google Trends. This tool is amazing as it allows the user to get an overview of how a trend evolves over time and how users' searching patterns change with them.
    Rory Dignam

  4. Really enjoyed coming onto your blog and seeing a blue font. Was nice to see something different. Your first paragraph where you say that SEO takes time, is so true. So although google analytics is free it takes hours and money to actually get somewhere with it.

    I felt how you broke SEO practices to help a small travel business, word count, images and internal links extremely practical and easy to read and understand. I thought it was great to include googlemybusiness as a way for people to get up ranks easily.

    Great blog and definitely clear and easy to understand.


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