Nowadays in the world of technology, social media marketing is an essential attribute for creating a competitive and successful business, and especially for the travel industry.

So why is it important to use social media for business development in the travel industry? Everything is simple, just look at the statistics below on the number of people who actively use social media and imagine that some of these people are your potential audience and they can become loyal customers to your company. Moreover, having gained the loyalty and trust of customers, your business will grow by 'word of mouth', people will recommend your company, share their experience, use the services of your company in the future, etc.

Also look at the statistics for the most used social media in the world:

Let's have a look at the marketing benefits in the travel business through the most used social media platforms such as: Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp (Meta Platforms). Based on Meta statistics, over half of travelers use Facebook Apps to discover destinations. This information leads to the conclusion that by creating a business pages in these social media platforms, you have a huge potential to attract the target audience you need. 

Below are just a few of the many ways how to develop business via Meta Platforms:

✔ Fill your business pages with quality and relevant content
Collecting information and maintaining statistics allows you to determine strategic profitable directions for the company, helps to determine what is interesting to the audience and market demand.

✔ A high level of customer service speaks of the prestige and customer focus of the company. It is also important to engage with customers post-purchase, and unique to travelers is that post-purchase brand engagement can occur before the holiday begins. This ongoing interaction can take the form of real-time updates, helpful tips, and discounts through messaging apps.

✔ Make the use of pages easy and accessible to customers. For example, you can create an in-page shop, which will ensure a simple booking process and make all stages of the journey hassle-free. Also can add phone number or link your WhatsApp business account to the page, this way you provide customers with the choice to communicate through the most convenient ways for them, not only Facebook Messenger or Instagram Direct.

✔ Attract the target audience through paid advertising in social media. With the help of advertising, you can increase brand awareness, increase the percentage of conversions on the website, or make retargeting by creating personalized content. 
For advertising in travel industry, Meta for Business have a useful tool calls Destination catalogue, using this type of dynamic ads you can show ads to in-market shoppers, including, and beyond, your recent website/app visitors for travel products. 
Here you can find very useful insights and inspirations for advertising in travel industry on Meta platforms.

The position of the Internet will only grow and this is a fact, so it's never too late to start developing your business through social media platforms. 

Author: Ksenija Karpezo


  1. No need to sell ice to the Eskimos, they are probably busy on their social media accounts. Hey Ksenija, really liked your blog on social media marketing for travel businesses. First of all the title images you used says it all. Certainly, stats don't lie. it is mind boggling to see that there are over four billion social media accounts and growing. The speed with which this has happened is astronomical, no guesses that travel business must use the platforms or face oblivion. You pointed out in detail the benefits from quality content, to customer service and paid advertising etc all essential to build and promote and engage the audience. Thus vital for the business to adopt and adept or risk it all. Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  2. Lovely imagery used in your blog, you are right about numbers and stats its all about proof and your visual proves that anyone with a travel business should be online and using free tools such as social media platforms. I like the breakdown of the different ways this can be achieved as its clear and readable. Ads are important once placed on the right platform where your target market hang out. Really good blog and as always to the point and clear. Tks Diane

  3. I love the statistics you found Ksenija, they really highlight the huge potential to attract the target audience travel marketers need with the power of social media. Acording to Hootsuite, there were 3.79 million social media users in Ireland in January 2021 and the number of social media users in the country increased by 110 thousand (+3.1%) between 2020 and 2021. These are great numbers that can be used to promote domestic tourism as well and represent an audience for foreign tourism destination in the post-covid world. Connectivity is at the heart of travel based small and medium businesses and strong social media presence can only enhance this trend.
    Rory Dignam

  4. Hey Ksenija, you have showcased the importance of Social Media with an explanatory post with a graph showing the most used social media platforms. This shows the slight dominance of Meta in the industry(Facebook, WhatsApp and Insta) while Google's YouTube is ranked second in between Meta's platforms. With so many people using Social Media these days, not having updated and engaging social media accounts on multiple platforms is a big loss for a travel business. And you have explained it so well. Great read. Ivan B.


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