The Importance of SEO for Travel Based Business Author: Rory Dignam

 The Importance of SEO for Travel Based Business:

SEO is an important aspect of the digital strategy of tourism-based businesses. The ability to make the official site of a hotel, tour agency or tourism experience more visible on search engines helps to gain direct bookings and to cut the commissions of the big players of the industry, such as, Expedia etc. A good way to improve the SEO is creating a link connection with other sites, blogs and online newspapers of the sector to gain relevance on the topic for the search engine algorithm, which will consider the site as a trusted source of info. The update of the business site information and content to maintain accuracy is another fundamental aspect, as well as the removal of broken links. When content is created on the site, it needs to be very focused and use specific keywords so the site can rank in relation to those specific keywords in the search engine. There is companies that also create content and can help with tailoring the experience for the customer


Image keywords (image descriptions) can be used to add further credibility to the content. In addition to this, the security of the site is another parameter kept in great consideration by the main booking engines, such as Google, so it is advised to obtain a SSL certificate (https). This prevents potential threats for users, for example, information theft and creates a better customer experience. Last but not least, the loading speed of the site is another determining factor in the search engine ranking because users expect sites to be fast and functional. It is possible to test the loading speed of a site through PageSpeed Insights by Google to assess it for free. It is possible to speed up the loading time of a site paying attention to the image sizing and making sure to use a reliable hosting provider that ensures a good quality of service. 

Author: Rory Dignam


  1. Hey Rory just read your blog and really enjoyed it. Your title image very creatively paints the picture of what you are going to discuss with all the elements and icons of the travel world. Indeed it makes good business sense to improve margins and not to lose it unnecessarily like paying big commission to big operators so as a strategy it makes sense to focus on SEO. Links are very important as you pointed out, they build trust, credibility and authority. Having a closer look at the site and removing things that are not working is the appropriate way to do thing for improvement and overall good experience for the visitor. Really, loved the video the reinforced the message of focus keywords for the particular targeted audience and yes security has to be paramount as the visitor needs to feel safe and comfortable engaging and doing transacting with a business. Full marks, Rory. Comment By - Sultan Nazir

  2. Hi Rory, I would like to join Sultan's comment about the photo you used at the beginning of the publication I really like the creativity, color combination and elements you used, it immediately attracts attention and makes it clear what the blog will be about. I agree about the importance of website security for Google and the presence of a SSL certificate, this will allow businesses to increase the growth of potential customers, since security is an important criterion for most Internet users in our time.
    I also want to say thank you for the example you wrote in the article of a proven and reliable tool (Google's PageSpeed ​​Insights) for testing website loading speed. This information was very helpful to me as well.
    Ksenija Karpezo

  3. At the end of the day a business is all about the bottom line and profits. So cutting out sites taking commission from a small travel business is a clever way to boost profits as every penny counts. So I enjoyed your point about how doing SEO and making your site more visible online will increase your bookings and cut out platforms such as

    Having links inbound and outbound is a clever fast way to drive more traffic to your site.

    Nice piece of information about your site having its SSL certificate so google and search engines rank your higher. And finally image keywords, the finer details of your website images making sure these are in the correct case so google and other engines can search your site and rank you higher.

    Lovely videos and images as always and a wonderful blog post
    Many tks

  4. Hey Rory. Absolutely loved the illustrated simplified video, explaining the whole process of the travel industry and the role of marketing, the internet and SEO in it. As you have said the best way to improve SEO is to link the website to many others with the same or similar topic, also the importance of linking the company's social media accounts (all of the platforms) through engaging content that ultimately leads to traffic to the main website. Website page speed is also important factor, glad you have mentioned that, cause it seems that the rest of us forgot it. Nobody will visit (return to) sites that are lagging and it takes too much time for them to upload. Thanks. Ivan B.


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