Benefits and Challenges of 'Customer Data' in Marketing - by Diane Henderson

Benefits and Challenges of 'Customer Data' in Marketing - by Diane Henderson

Benefits to the Tourism Industry of access to Customer Data

In the era of digital transformation tourism businesses being able to access customer data provides significant challenges and opportunities for established travel companies, as well as new entrants into the tourism industry. 

  • Valuable information for predicating tourist demand
  • Enabling better decision making for your tourism business
  • Managing knowledge flows and interaction with customers
  • Providing the best service in a more efficient and effective way
  • Resulting in Improved productivity
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction
  • Personalised Marketing Campaigns
  • Better operations

Please click below to see more on Customer Data Platform Tealium

Challenges to the Tourism Industry of access to Customer Data

  • Dealing with the volume of data and making sure that the collected Data is relevant to the business.
  • Tackling and managing the omnichannel experience for the size of your business and the results the business wishes to achieve with the data collected is obtainable.
  • Keeping the data safe and making sure the business has all its GDPR strategy and controls are in place.
  • Woking with the inaccurate or incomplete data sets which can impact the journey to greater personalisation.

For marketers in travel the ability to make intelligent data decisions and a clear customer view is what will set your brand apart.

Businesses who invest in a robust data platform that aligns with both digital and offline data will be able to merge correct information to help gain a clear knowledge of their customer personas.  Allowing them to create personalised experiences for their travel customers.

We recommend that a tourism business look into and invest in a Customer Data Platform, please see link below for an example of one:

Customer Data Platform Example


  1. Hey Diane, really enjoyed your blog on challenges and benefits of customer data for marketing in the travel sector. You summed it up rightly that businesses need to invest robustly both offline and online to succeed. Liked your title image and links to back up the research. The benefits you pointed out our like the vital signs from gaging consumer demand, feedback, communication to making better and informed decisions which could lead to better service. This could help improved productivity and consumer satisfaction and more customised offerings. Of course there challenges as data volumes could be huge and understanding and interpreting it right is the key, otherwise it would lead to bad decision making. Well done on an excellent blog, Diane. Comment by - Sultan Nazir

  2. Hi Diane, lovely post, liked how you have explained the benefits of Customer Data in Marketing. Cause yeah in this age and time, information is the gold. It is not called the Information age for no reason. Businesses that properly collect, analyse and generate data reports can ultimately increase their revenue, which would mainly focus on increased customer satisfaction and increased brand trust and loyalty. Nice additional examples you have included for Tealium and Customer Data Platform, particularly for businesses operating in the tourism industry as our company does. Thanks. Ivan

  3. I totally enjoyed reading your blog as I like your manner of presenting information because you competently structured the information by dividing it into blocks. In your block about the benefits of accessing customer data for the travel industry, you pointed out some really important things to look out for that will lead to increase customer satisfaction as well as increase of business productivity.
    In the block about challenges, I found useful information for myself about importance to make sure of data security and that the business has all the strategies and controls of the GDPR.
    Thank you Diane!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  4. great post
    great tips and some excellent takeaways and food for thought.


  5. Hey Diane, thanks for writing the post, I think the bullet point structure was ideal to express the benefits and challenges. Reading your article made me think about nother challenge that is going to affect the digital marketing world and the travel/tourism industry as well: the disappearence of cookies. Google announced in February 2020 that they would start to phase out the third-party cookie on Chrome browsers in 2022. Now, the browser do still use this technology as the deadline has been pushed further but we have already seen some similar changes in iOS browsers and on Facebook targeting technology. It will be interesting to see if the market will adopt different tracking methods and how they will affect the privacy of the users.

    Many thanks- Rory Dignam


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