The Benefits Of Running A Paid Ad Campaign To Drive Traffic To A Blog - Author Sultan Nazir


"Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted, the trouble is I don't know which half".  This quote is attributed to John Wanamaker a famous retailer who lived in the nineteenth century. This makes sense advertising does work, but there are many unknown variables. As far as digital media as oppose to traditional media, I  am happy to report to John that we can make much more informed decisions and can pin point with accuracy why something didn't work. I already feel relieved that he can live in peace as that modern technology and tools have some what resolved one of mysteries that he that carried with him to his grave.

With this out of the way, here are 3 main benefits of running a paid ad campaign to drive traffic to a blog:

1. Highly Targeted

No need to sell ice to Eskimos or sands to the Arabs, with a paid ad you can drive traffic that is already looking and interested in what you have to offer. The audience can be segmented based on age, sex, region, interests and so on to pin point specific persona you want to reach. What better to talk to them and engage them and inspire them to take action rather than waste money on someone you don't know is even interested.

2. Immediate Results

Yes you can see immediate traffic and results by running a paid campaign. We know organic ranking with SEO is a long term strategy and takes time, but with paid advertising can generate response in quick time. With appropriate objective, budget, channel and metrices like ROI, Click Through Rate (CTR), Cost Per Acquisition (CPA) etc one can access the viability of the campaign and decide to run it on as a long term strategy. See also Rory's blog for more info. Also see Ivan's emphasis on getting the parameters right for a start up business which are so crucial when it comes to running a paid ad campaign.

3. Testing Ground

This platform can be a superb ground to trial and test various things, like keywords, promotions, variety of ads to see what works. Of course this done in the parameters of overall objective and budgets that are assigned. This is crucial because proper planning prevents mistakes as the budget can quickly drain out in case something goes wrong. So in way the publisher has control over what he or she wants to accomplish.

THE LAST WORD...running an ad campaign to drive traffic to a blog works, the key is selecting proper keywords, good ad copy, split test ads, getting a good landing page done and last but least measuring results and making corrections.

Author: Sultan Nazir

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  1. If John at his time had at least some of the tools available to us for launching advertising campaigns, then we can only fantasize about what marketing opportunities would we have now. Indeed, in our modern world, digital marketing is developing at a very rapid pace and the tools that we own now are so accurate and perfect that it exceeds all the expectations of companies and a potential client. I agree with you that by developing competent paid advertising marketing strategies, analyzing them, using platforms for testing and planning, we can attract the target audience and grow business rapidly.
    Thank you for focusing on the main benefits of conducting a paid advertising campaign and for structured, easy to read, and at the same time carries a deep semantic load you presented the information. Great blog, Sultan!
    Ksenija Karpezo

  2. As always enjoy your opening paragraph, really fresh writing perspective. Paid ads are highly targeted once you know your audience, and detailing what region, age demographic etc you wish to target is an amazing technology achievable by paid ads. It perhaps is more cost effective then sending out flyers which require more man power money when you don't know if you will be seen by the right people where paid ads for perhaps a cheaper outlay makes sure that your demographic you researched and wish to view your ads do. Nowadays with life and work speeding up having instant results helps your company navigate the fast pace of todays business world. Once your ad is done through proper planning as you say it can be extremely informative. I really enjoyed your blog Diane

  3. Hey Sultan, your post is on point as usual! Avoiding to manage the campaign spending like John Wanamaker did is one of the main advantages of digital marketing campaigns thanks to the ability of tracking results and the possibility of reviewing the targeting and specs. Testing seems to be the way to go in the optimization game, and A/B testing with two different landing pages to determine which one performs better against the defined objectives. This kind of activity can help in the improvement of email marketing text and layout, landing page design and text and display ad optimization. The only limit is your curiosity! - Rory Dignam

  4. Hey Sultan, you story tella'. Another great post. Liked the quote you chose to start with. Advertising was much much different thing back than (in the 19th century when famous merchant lived), but it still has the same final goal, which is to promote the product, attract new customers and keep existing ones. But as you have explained nicely in your text. In today's time, it is much easier to do so. For example, to run a paid ad campaign on let's say Facebook, it is much easier to target specific markets as the platform already owns Big Data of its millions of users across the globe, and it provides that data (following GDPR of course) with us and help us to target a specific age, sex, location, interests etc. It is definitely less time consuming than any traditional methods, even compared to methods used even 15 years ago, it would be much easier and more advanced today. The greatest thing about it is that it offers instant results and it creates rich data in various analytics tools, using which we can benefit our business on a massive scale. Thanks, Sultan. Ivan B


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